Ladies and Gentlemen...I am pleased and terrified to announce that I am finally ready to launch 21st Century Showgirl in the (lights up!) REAL WORLD...
She has never had a REAL WORLD launch. She has only been launched on Myspace. Check it out.
(VJ has gone home because Slideshow has closed down. But punters are still gathered...)
That book launch was like the first man landing on the moon but with a smaller viewing audience. It ran for 48 hours. I sold 100 copies and the Reviews came in from all over the world....
After that I was so exhausted that I couldn't stand the sight of her. So I tied her up in the basement and I went on a road trip...
My readers came with me. We had so much fun that I published my blogs and our conversations in the Myspace Diaries. I sold about four copies and kept moving. I was becoming like the snake. Drop the eggs and run....
But I realised this week that before I present The Snake Kennedy Trilogy. I need to give the 21st Century Showgirl a launch in the real world. It's only fair. Since she's been on ice for so long it is less like a birth and more like a Christening. We'll put the baby's head under water and watch her scream. There will be music, champayne and video.
I've booked the Bordello Theatre at the Kings Cross Hotel for March 6th. I'm thinking 7pm. The Kings Cross Arts Guild will be presenting it!! I'm talking to the Caterer. He's mulling over Garlic Icecream and Pancetta. I need some one to sponsor the Champayne? Bruce Davies who did the cover for the book is working on the poster as we speak! I have a super sexy DJ. The most exquisite Tina Harris is going to sing a song she wrote especially for the book! Tonight I meet with Andrew Worboys to edit some video for the Opener. Ru Bella is going to take us out with a bang! I get by with a little help from my talented friends. I have ONE MONTH.
There will be Firemen!
In the meantime join the facebook page. All the latest news will be posted here.
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